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来源:学大教育     时间:2015-09-08 17:18:09



crawl ; [体] easy free ; [体] free stroke ; [体] free style

网 络freestyle;Freestyle swimming;crawl;Libre


释义: 全部 crawl easy free free stroke free style

类别: 全部 口语 书面语

难度: 全部 简单 中等 难

1. She won the 800 metres freestyle. 她获得了800米自由泳冠军。

2. the men's 400m freestyle 男子400米自由泳

3. The swimmer won a bronze in the free style. 那位游泳选手赢得了自由泳的铜牌.

4. I'm good at freestyle and breast stroke. 我擅长自由泳和蛙泳.

5. I hear he can swim freestyle, side stroke and breaststroke very well. 我听说他自由泳 、 侧泳和蛙泳都游得非常好.

6. Sometimes I use breaststroke, backstroke, and free style. 有时游蛙泳 、 仰泳和自由泳.

7. The front crawl, I suppose . That's the stroke required of freestyle. 我认为爬泳游得最快, 自由泳要求的就是这种泳姿.

8. Peter : Tedhere are freestyle, backstroke, butterfly frog stroke and etc. 有自由泳 、 仰泳 、 蝶泳、蛙泳等.

9. Swimming is divided into breaststroke, freestyle, backstroke, and butterflystroke. 游泳分为蛙泳, 自由泳, 仰泳, 蝶泳.

10. He has broken the world record of 100 m backstroke race. 他打破了100米自由泳世界纪录.


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